Este video contiene una lista de consejos sobre lo que debes hacer antes y después de una cirugía.
It's normal to feel worried or even a little scared if you are scheduled for surgery. Know that your surgeon and other healthcare providers will do all they can to take good care of you. And there's much you can do as a patient to help your healthcare team keep you safe. Being involved means speaking up, asking questions, and understanding your role.
You are scheduled to have a test or procedure. This sheet will help you get ready.
Con frecuencia los pacientes enfrentan una variedad de tratamientos, medicamentos y procedimientos que pueden ser complicados y a veces difíciles de entender, tanto la terminología como los resultados que se esperan de ellos y también los efectos secundarios posibles. Una de las mejores maneras de superar este obstáculo es por medio de las preguntas de los pacientes a sus profesionales médicos, para que puedan tomar decisiones bien informadas para su propio cuidado. Los pacientes también pueden tener un papel importante para la prevención de infecciones mientras están en el hospital.
Los medicamentos pueden costar mucho, pero a veces hay maneras de comprar las medicinas que necesita a un costo menor.
Con este video aprenderás sobre la diferencia entre medicamentos de patente y los genéricos.
Vea este video para ver como tomar sus medicamentos segura y correctamente.
When medicines are taken as directed, they can greatly improve your health. But if they are not taken as instructed, they may not work. In some cases, not taking them correctly can be harmful. To help make sure that your treatment remains effective and safe, understand your medicines and how to take them.
Take the time to learn about your medicine. For instance, why are you taking it? What does it do? Work with your healthcare providers to get the answers you need.
Con este video aprenderás cuándo debes ir a un Centro de Atención de Urgencias y cuándo debes ir a Emergencias.
Con este video vas a saber por qué es importante comunicarte con tu equipo médico en el hospital y que tengas un representante.
Vea este video para comprender las estrategias de autocuidado y la importancia de ser un administrador activo en su autocuidado y trabajar con su equipo médico para desarrollar un plan de tratamiento.
Con este video aprenderás sobre la importancia de no faltar a tu cita de seguimiento después del alta del hospital.
Vea este video para prepararse para las citas con sus doctores, cómo aprovechar al máximo sus citas médicas y las preguntas importantes que debe hacerle a su profesional médico.
Es importante que recuerde que siendo paciente de hospital, usted tiene derechos.
1 de cada 5 pacientes reingresa al hospital después de haber sido dado de alta. Los programas de transición ayudan a hacer la transición al hogar y determinan qué hacer para permanecer en casa. Aprenda sobre estos programas y cómo aprovechar este servicio.
Con este video aprenderás por qué es importante establecer una sociedad con tu profesional médico.
To get the most out of your healthcare, take an active role. This means thinking of every healthcare provider as a partner in your care. Here are things you can do to help that partnership go smoothly.
Telling your healthcare provider (HCP) about yourself will help improve your care. And ask questions when you don't understand something, or just want to know more. Don't be afraid to speak up! Good communication with your HCP helps you get the most out of your health care.
Dealing with health and medical issues can be stressful and confusing. It can be a good idea to ask friends and family for support. They can listen to what the healthcare providers tell you, ask questions, and help make sure that things go smoothly. And they can help you get the care you need.
Do you find that you make an appointment with your healthcare provider, only to forget half your questions once you're in the exam room? Does your healthcare provider ask you questions during a visit that you can't answer? Preparing for a healthcare provider visit can help you get the most out of your health care. Below are tips for helping you prepare for a visit to your health care provider.
Only you can decide whether to tell others about your condition. You may feel that your health is a private matter. Maybe you have a hard time deciding who to tell and how much to say. Or, you might find that talking makes you feel better. The choice is yours.
Be prepared. Know who, when, and how to call in an emergency.
Vaccines are one of the best ways to reduce your risk of illness.
Anything that affects your comfort, safety, and well-being also affects your overall health. This can include housing, transportation, money issues, access to food, and child care.
Anything that affects your patient's comfort, safety, and well-being also affects your patient's overall health. This can include housing, transportation, money issues, access to food, and child care.
Here is a list of helpful resources on social determinants of health to share with your patients.
Research shows that SDOH play a big role in health. For example, they can affect how long you live, your chances of having a chronic illness, and even how well your healthcare provider takes care of you.
A cancer diagnosis can be overwhelming and stressful. But a good relationship and open communication with your healthcare provider can make it easier. To help you communicate better with your provider, try these tips.
When you have a health condition, your day-to-day chores don't go away. There are still dishes and laundry to do, groceries to buy, and light bulbs to change. Here are helpful tips to keep things clean as the chores pile up.
Con este video aprenderás sobre la Explicación de Beneficios y cómo pueden ayudarte a llevar un control de tu atención médica.
Con este video aprenderás lo que es la pre-autorización y la importancia de tenerla antes de una intervención, tratamiento o cirugía.
Step therapy requires people to try lower-cost medicines first, before an insurer approves the higher-cost medicine that was prescribed.
Aprende cómo el historial familiar de ciertas enfermedades puede aumentar tu riesgo para esa enfermedad.
Este video ayudará a comprender por qué un centro de excelencia beneficia tu salud.
Con este video aprenderás sobre la importancia de obtener una segunda opinión.
An emergency means you could die if you don't get care quickly. Or you could be hurt permanently. Read below to know when to use, and when not to use, an emergency room.
Getting quality healthcare doesn't always mean going into the hospital or emergency room. Depending on your needs, other medical facilities may serve you just as well—or even better.
Many diseases can be prevented by getting vaccinated against them. Read on to learn about advised vaccines.
When an area of the brain is damaged, which typically occurs with a stroke, an impairment may result. An impairment is the loss of normal function of part of the body. Sometimes, an impairment may result in a disability, or inability to perform an activity in a normal way.